Белов Антон Алексеевич
Младший научный сотрудник | аспирант

Область научных интересов

Функциональные наноматериалы, наноструктуры, неорганический синтез, физико-химические закономерности, сорбция, биотехнологии, высокотемпературные материалы, ядерные технологии, золь-гель процесс, искровое плазменное спекание


Лауреат «Премия Аякс 2021»

Победитель конкурса «Стипендия Шимадзу» (г. Владивосток 2019)

Победитель конкурса на стипендию президента (г. Владивосток 2018)

Победитель конкурса на стипендию правительства (г. Владивосток 2017)

Победитель конкурса на стипендию губернатора (г. Владивосток 2018)

Наукометрические показатели

Общее количество публикаций – 29

Web of Science – 0

Scopus – 35

РИНЦ – 48

Количество патентов - 0

Индекс Хирша (Web of Science / Scopus / РИНЦ) – 7 / 11 / 7

Профиль ученого

Scopus ID




E-mail: nefryty@gmail.com


Spark Plasma Sintering as a High-Tech Approach in a New Generation of Synthesis of Nanostructured Functional Ceramics

Synthesis of nanostructured iron oxides and new magnetic ceramics using sol-gel and SPS techniques

SPS-RS technique for solid-phase “in situ” synthesis of biocompatible ZrO2 porous ceramics

Influence of vacuum heating on magnetic characteristics of α-Fe2O3 ceramics obtained via spark plasma sintering

SPS technique for ionizing radiation source fabrication based on dense cesium-containing core

Spark plasma sintering of alumosilicate ceramic matriсes for immobilization of cesium radionuclides

Synthesis of Ceramic and Glass Ceramic Matrices with Immobilized Cesium Radionuclides for Active Zones of Ionizing Radiation Sources

Радиационно безопасные керамоматричные композици как активные зоны источников ионизирующего излучения на основе 137Cs

Reactive Spark Plasma Synthesis of Porous Bioceramic Wollastonite

Spark plasma sintering of UO2 fuel composite with Gd2O3 integral fuel burnable absorber

Иммобилизация стронция-90 в матрицу микрокристаллического цеолита Na-A

UO2-Eu2O3 compound fuel fabrication via spark plasma sintering

CaSiO3-HAp structural bioceramic by sol-gel and SPS-RS techniques: Bacteria test assessment

Spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis of SrWO4 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization

SrAl2Si2O8 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization obtained via spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis

Synthesis of Perovskite-Like SrTiO3 Ceramics for Radioactive Strontium Immobilization by Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis

Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis of SiC and SiC–HfB2 Ceramics Based on Natural Renewable Raw Materials

SrAl2Si2O8 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization obtained via spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis

Synthesis of Perovskite-Like SrTiO3 Ceramics for Radioactive Strontium Immobilization by Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis

Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis of SiC and SiC–HfB2 Ceramics Based on Natural Renewable Raw Materials

Influence of Carbon Deficiency and Hafnium Oxide Doping on Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering of the Ta2O5–C System

Synthesis of Mineral-Like SrWO4 Ceramics with the Scheelite Structure and a Radioisotope Product Based on It

Comparative study of WC-based hard alloys fabrication via spark plasma sintering using Co, Fe, Ni, Cr, and Ti binders

A novel approach for rice straw agricultural waste utilization: Synthesis of solid aluminosilicate matrices for cesium immobilization

Hydrothermal synthesis and spark plasma sintering of NaY zeolite as solid-state matrices for cesium-137 immobilization

Reaction synthesis of SrTiO3 mineral-like ceramics for strontium-90 immobilization via additional in-situ synchrotron studies

Synthesis and spark plasma sintering of solid-state matrices based on calcium silicate for 60Co immobilization

A novel approach for rice straw agricultural waste utilization: Synthesis of solid aluminosilicate matrices for cesium immobilization

Ce3+ doped Lu3Al5O12 ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering technology using micrometre powders: Microstructure, luminescence, and scintillation properties

Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of SrTiO3–TiO2 composite ceramics

Electronic Structure of NdFeCoB Oxide Magnetic Particles Studied by DFT Calculations and XPS

Ionizing radiation source-open type fabrication using additive technology and spark plasma sintering

Properties of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 Lithium-Conducting Ceramics Synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering

Effect of nanocrystalline SiC addition on reactive SPS and oxidation resistance of Ta4HfC5 ceramics

CaSiO3-HAp Metal-Reinforced Biocomposite Ceramics for Bone Tissue Engineering

Reactive SPS of Al2O3–RE:YAG (RE = Ce; Ce+Gd) composite ceramic phosphors

Solidification of cesium containing magnetic zeolite sorbent by spark plasma sintering