Майоров Виталий Юрьевич
научный сотрудник | кандидат химических наук

Область научных интересов

Функциональные наноматериалы, пористые материалы, адсорбция, катализ, радиохимия, радиоэкология


Руководитель грантов РНФ, РФФИ

Победитель всероссийских и международных научных конкурсов

Наукометрические показатели

Общее количество публикаций – более 100

Web of Science – 34

Scopus – 65

РИНЦ – 102

Количество патентов - 3

Индекс Хирша (Web of Science / Scopus / РИНЦ) – 12 / 17 / 12

Профиль ученого

Scopus ID




E-mail: 024205@inbox.ru


Chemical Modification of Natural Clays

Темплатный синтез и исследование структурных характеристик материалов на основе оксидов вольфрама с развитой макропористой структурой

Sol-gel synthesis of porous inorganic materials using ''core-shell'' latex particles as templates

Темплатный синтез пористых оксидов железа с магнитными и каталитическими свойствами

Peculiarities of formation of phase composition, porous structure, and catalytic properties of tungsten oxide-based macroporous materials fabricated by sol-gel synthesis

Sorption-reagent materials for sorption of chromates from solution // Doklady Physical Chemistry

Application of carbonaceous template for porous structure control of ceramic composites based on synthetic wollastonite obtained via Spark Plasma Sintering

Темплатный синтез пористых моносиликатов кальция с использованием силоксан-акрилатных эмульсий

Макропористые катализаторы для жидкофазного окисления на основе оксидов вольфрама

Технология искрового плазменного спекания как перспективное решение для создания функциональных наноструктурированных керамик

Wollastonite ceramics with bimodal porous structures prepared by sol – gel and SPS techniques

Uranium Sorption on Reduced Porous Iron Oxides

Spark Plasma Sintering as a High-Tech Approach in a New Generation of Synthesis of Nanostructured Functional Ceramics

Production of porous ceramic materials using nanodisperse SiC powder

Preparation of porous SiC-ceramics by sol – gel and spark plasma sintering

Sol-gel and SPS combined synthesis of highly porous wollastonite ceramic materials with immobilized Au-NPs

Synthesis of nanostructured iron oxides and new magnetic ceramics using sol-gel and SPS techniques

Sol-gel (template) synthesis of macroporous Mo-based catalysts for hydrothermal oxidation of radionuclide-organic complexes

Sorption of phosphates on macroporous synthetic calcium silicates

A complex approach to assessing porous structure of structured ceramics obtained by SPS technique

Nanocomplexes of Magnesium Phenylsiloxanes - Moleculer Structere and Properties

SPS technique for ionizing radiation source fabrication based on dense cesium-containing core

Synthesis of Ceramic and Glass Ceramic Matrices with Immobilized Cesium Radionuclides for Active Zones of Ionizing Radiation Sources

Sol–Gel Synthesis of Functionally Graded SiC–TiC Ceramic Material

Synthetic CaSiO3 sol-gel powder and SPS ceramic derivatives: “In vivo” toxicity assessment

Nanostructured magnetic sorbents for selective recovery of uranium(VI) from aqueous solutions

Structure and redox properties of birnessite-type manganese oxides as high-performance layered sorbents for Sr-90 removal

Reactive Spark Plasma Synthesis of Porous Bioceramic Wollastonite

Spark plasma sintering of UO2 fuel composite with Gd2O3 integral fuel burnable absorber

Sol-gel (template) synthesis of osteoplastic CaSiO3 HAp powder biocomposite: “in vivo” biocompatibility assessment

Magnetic Composites Based on Cobalt Ferrite, Vermiculite, and Rice Husks: Synthesis and Properties

Synthetic nanostructured wollastonite: Composition, structure and “in vitro” biocompatibility investigation

Magnetic Composites Based on Cobalt Ferrite, Vermiculite, and Rice Husks: Synthesis and Properties

Synthetic nanostructured wollastonite: Composition, structure and “in vitro” biocompatibility investigation

Al2O3–Ce:YAG and Al2O3–Ce:(Y,Gd)AG composite ceramics for high brightness lighting: Effect of microstructure

Synthesis of porous biomimetic composites: A sea urchin skeleton used as a template

UO2-Eu2O3 compound fuel fabrication via spark plasma sintering

Synthesis of amorphous KAlSi3O8 for cesium radionuclide immobilization into solid matrices using spark plasma sintering technique

Hydrothermal synthesis, structure and sorption performance to cesium and strontium ions of nanostructured magnetic zeolite composites

Synthesis and spark plasma sintering of solid-state matrices based on calcium silicate for 60Co immobilization

A novel approach for rice straw agricultural waste utilization: Synthesis of solid aluminosilicate matrices for cesium immobilization

Synthetic Calcium Silicate Biocomposite Based on Sea Urchin Skeleton for 5-Fluorouracil Cancer Delivery

CaSiO3-HAp Metal-Reinforced Biocomposite Ceramics for Bone Tissue Engineering