Папынов Евгений Константинович
заведующий лабораторией, старший научный сотрудник | кандидат химических наук

Область научных интересов

Функциональные наноматериалы, наноструктуры, неорганический синтез, физико-химические закономерности, сорбция, катализ, биотехнологии, высокотемпературные материалы, ядерные технологии, золь-гель процесс, искровое плазменное спекание


Лауреат Премии Президиума РАН им. академика В.Г. Хлопина за выдающиеся работы в области радиохимии за 2019 год (2019, Москва)

Лауреат Премии администрации г. Владивостока для молодежи города ''Есть за что!'' за вклад в развитие города в области образования, просвещения и науки (2017 г., Владивосток).

Лауреат малой Премии издательства «Наука/Интерпериодика» за лучшую публикацию в издаваемых ею журналах в 2014 году (2014 г., Москва).

Победитель Всероссийского открытого конкурса-выставки научно-технического творчества молодежи для молодых ученых «Исследователь будущего» (2011 г., Владивосток).

Победитель инновационного конкурса «Идея года 2009» в номинации “Открытие – инновационный проект Экология” (2009, Москва).

Наукометрические показатели

Общее количество публикаций – более 100

Web of Science – 60

Scopus – 127

РИНЦ – 253

Количество патентов - 17

Индекс Хирша (Web of Science / Scopus / РИНЦ) – 17 / 21 / 19

Профиль ученого

Scopus ID




E-mail: papynov@mail.ru


Organik Waste Utilization by Means of Thermal Cracking

Исследование термического разложения полиэтилентерефталата

Особенности химической деградации почв в ландшафтах юга Дальнего востока

Защитная функция почв в условиях муссонного климата

Chemical Modification of Natural Clays

Современная технология очистки и обеззараживания сточных вод пищевых производств и получения вторичных продуктов

Perfection of the Electrochemical Method of Sewage Treatment

Макропористые катализаторы для жидкофазного окисления на основе оксидов марганца и вольфрама

Темплатный синтез макропористых материалов на основе оксидов вольфрама

Темплатный синтез и исследование структурных характеристик материалов на основе оксидов вольфрама с развитой макропористой структурой

Production of ultrahigh temperature composite materials HfB2-SiC and the study of their behavior under the action of a dissociated air flow

Sol-gel synthesis of porous inorganic materials using ''core-shell'' latex particles as templates

Ceramic materials: Manufacture and behavior under long-term exposure to dissociated air streams

Ceramic Materials: Manufacture and Behavior under Long-Term Exposure to Dissociated Air Jet Flow

Темплатный синтез пористых оксидов железа с магнитными и каталитическими свойствами

Peculiarities of formation of phase composition, porous structure, and catalytic properties of tungsten oxide-based macroporous materials fabricated by sol-gel synthesis

Oxide layers with Pd-containing nanoparticles on titanium

Sorption-reagent materials for sorption of chromates from solution // Doklady Physical Chemistry

Behavior of a sample of the ceramic material HfB2-SiC (45 vol %) in the flow of dissociated air and the analysis of the emission spectrum of the boundary layer above its surface

Application of carbonaceous template for porous structure control of ceramic composites based on synthetic wollastonite obtained via Spark Plasma Sintering

Темплатный синтез пористых моносиликатов кальция с использованием силоксан-акрилатных эмульсий

Макропористые катализаторы для жидкофазного окисления на основе оксидов вольфрама

Технология искрового плазменного спекания как перспективное решение для создания функциональных наноструктурированных керамик

Behavior of HfB2 -SiC (10, 15, and 20 vol %) Ceramic Materials in High-Enthalpy Air Flows

Wollastonite ceramics with bimodal porous structures prepared by sol – gel and SPS techniques

Nano-sized calcium-phosphate powders and glass-ceramic coatings for medical purposes. In: L. Canon (Ed.), Bioglass: Properties, Functions and Applications

Fabrication of magnetic ceramic materials based on nanostructured hematite powder by spark plasma sintering

Uranium Sorption on Reduced Porous Iron Oxides

Современные технологии в практике обращения с «проблемными» ЖРО в Дальневосточном регионе как перспектива для «Фукусима-1»

Spark Plasma Sintering as a High-Tech Approach in a New Generation of Synthesis of Nanostructured Functional Ceramics

Production of porous ceramic materials using nanodisperse SiC powder

Preparation of porous SiC-ceramics by sol – gel and spark plasma sintering

Sol-gel and SPS combined synthesis of highly porous wollastonite ceramic materials with immobilized Au-NPs

Synthesis of nanostructured iron oxides and new magnetic ceramics using sol-gel and SPS techniques

Sol-gel (template) synthesis of macroporous Mo-based catalysts for hydrothermal oxidation of radionuclide-organic complexes

Sorption of phosphates on macroporous synthetic calcium silicates

Processes for treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing seawater

Sol-gel synthesis of magnetic sorbents based on porous iron oxides for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous solution

Spark plasma sintering of special-purpose functional ceramics based on UO2, ZrO2, Fe3O4/α-Fe2O3

Spark plasma sintering of nanopowders in the CeO2-Y2O3system as a promising approach to the creation of nanocrystalline intermediate-temperature solid electrolytes

Impact of a Supersonic Dissociated Air Flow on the Surface of HfB2–30 vol % SiC UHTC Produced by the Sol–Gel Method

Production of HfB2–SiC (10–65 vol % SiC) Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramics by Hot Pressing of HfB2–(SiO2–C) Composite Powder Synthesized by the Sol–Gel Method

UO2 fuel pellets fabrication via Spark Plasma Sintering using nonstandard molybdenum die

Synthesis of high-density pellets of uranium dioxide by Spark Plasma Sinteringin dies of different types

SPS-RS technique for solid-phase “in situ” synthesis of biocompatible ZrO2 porous ceramics

A complex approach to assessing porous structure of structured ceramics obtained by SPS technique

Influence of vacuum heating on magnetic characteristics of α-Fe2O3 ceramics obtained via spark plasma sintering

Nanocomplexes of Magnesium Phenylsiloxanes - Moleculer Structere and Properties

Manganese Oxide-Based Sorbent for Sr-90 Radionuclide Removal from Seawater

Rate Constant Approximation with Cubic Splines for Kinetic Analysis of Temperature-Programmed Reduction Data

Synthesis of BaCe0.9-xZrxY0.1O3-δ nanopowders and the study of proton conductors fabricated on their basis by low-temperature spark plasma sintering

Influence of sintering temperature on structural and optical properties of Y2O3–MgO composite SPS ceramics

SPS technique for ionizing radiation source fabrication based on dense cesium-containing core

Spark plasma sintering of alumosilicate ceramic matriсes for immobilization of cesium radionuclides

Synthesis of Ceramic and Glass Ceramic Matrices with Immobilized Cesium Radionuclides for Active Zones of Ionizing Radiation Sources

Радиационно безопасные керамоматричные композици как активные зоны источников ионизирующего излучения на основе 137Cs

Spark plasma sintering of ceramic and glass-ceramic matrices for cesium radionuclides immobilization. In: K. Naragan (Ed.), Glass-Ceramics: Properties, Applications and Technology

Sol-gel synthesis of SiC@Y3Al5O12 composite nanopowder and preparation of porous SiC-ceramics derived from it

Sol–Gel Synthesis of Functionally Graded SiC–TiC Ceramic Material

Synthesis of Hf-C-N ceramics by spark plasma sintering

Synthetic CaSiO3 sol-gel powder and SPS ceramic derivatives: “In vivo” toxicity assessment

ZrO2 -phosphates porous ceramic obtained via SPS-RS “in situ” technique: Bacteria test assessment

Quantum chemistry and experimental studies of hydrothermal destruction of Co-EDTA complexes

Nanostructured magnetic sorbents for selective recovery of uranium(VI) from aqueous solutions

Structure and redox properties of birnessite-type manganese oxides as high-performance layered sorbents for Sr-90 removal

SPS hard metal alloy WC-8Ni-8Fe fabrication based on mechanochemical synthetic tungsten carbide powder

Reactive Spark Plasma Synthesis of Porous Bioceramic Wollastonite

Spark plasma sintering of UO2 fuel composite with Gd2O3 integral fuel burnable absorber

Sol-gel (template) synthesis of osteoplastic CaSiO3 HAp powder biocomposite: “in vivo” biocompatibility assessment

Иммобилизация стронция-90 в матрицу микрокристаллического цеолита Na-A

UO2-Eu2O3 compound fuel fabrication via spark plasma sintering

CaSiO3-HAp structural bioceramic by sol-gel and SPS-RS techniques: Bacteria test assessment

Effect of temperature and pressure on mixed oxide solid solutions

Synthesis and sorption characteristics of tungsten oxides-based materials for Sr-90 removal from water media

Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering of Microcrystalline Thorium Dioxide for Nuclear Fuel Products

Fabrication of B-Containing Glass and Glass-Ceramic Materials via Liquid Organic Phase Pyrolysis

Synthesis and Sorption Characteristics of Magnetic Materials Based on Cobalt Oxides and Their Reduced Forms

Influence of carbon contamination on transparency of reactive SPSed Nd3+:YAG ceramics

Phase formation and densification peculiarities of Hf–C–N solid solution ceramics during reactive SPS

Spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis of SrWO4 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization

Spark plasma sintering of sic ceramics based on natural renewable raw materials

Polymeric nanomaterialsbased on iron (III) tris-acetylacetonate: Synthesis, structure and properties

W-rich mixed oxide solid solutions under pressure

Refractory HfC-HfN ceramics tested in a plasma flow

Magnetic Composites Based on Cobalt Ferrite, Vermiculite, and Rice Husks: Synthesis and Properties

Macroporous Magnetic Iron Oxides and Their Composites for Liquid-Phase Catalytic Oxidation

A novel IR-transparent Ho3+:Y2O3–MgO nanocomposite ceramics for potential laser applications

WC-5TiC-10Co hard metal alloy fabrication via mechanochemical and SPS techniques

SrAl2Si2O8 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization obtained via spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis

Synthetic nanostructured wollastonite: Composition, structure and “in vitro” biocompatibility investigation

Influence of sintering parameters on transparency of reactive SPSed Nd3+:YAG ceramics

Synthesis of Perovskite-Like SrTiO3 Ceramics for Radioactive Strontium Immobilization by Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis

Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis of SiC and SiC–HfB2 Ceramics Based on Natural Renewable Raw Materials

UO2–Y2O3 ceramic nuclear fuel: SPS fabrication, physico-chemical investigation and neutron absorption evaluation

Spark plasma sintering of sic ceramics based on natural renewable raw materials

Polymeric nanomaterialsbased on iron (III) tris-acetylacetonate: Synthesis, structure and properties

W-rich mixed oxide solid solutions under pressure

Refractory HfC-HfN ceramics tested in a plasma flow

Magnetic Composites Based on Cobalt Ferrite, Vermiculite, and Rice Husks: Synthesis and Properties

Macroporous Magnetic Iron Oxides and Their Composites for Liquid-Phase Catalytic Oxidation

A novel IR-transparent Ho3+:Y2O3–MgO nanocomposite ceramics for potential laser applications

WC-5TiC-10Co hard metal alloy fabrication via mechanochemical and SPS techniques

SrAl2Si2O8 ceramic matrices for 90Sr immobilization obtained via spark plasma sintering-reactive synthesis

Synthetic nanostructured wollastonite: Composition, structure and “in vitro” biocompatibility investigation

Influence of sintering parameters on transparency of reactive SPSed Nd3+:YAG ceramics

Synthesis of Perovskite-Like SrTiO3 Ceramics for Radioactive Strontium Immobilization by Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis

Spark Plasma Sintering-Reactive Synthesis of SiC and SiC–HfB2 Ceramics Based on Natural Renewable Raw Materials

UO2–Y2O3 ceramic nuclear fuel: SPS fabrication, physico-chemical investigation and neutron absorption evaluation

Influence of Carbon Deficiency and Hafnium Oxide Doping on Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering of the Ta2O5–C System

Synthesis of porous biomimetic composites: A sea urchin skeleton used as a template

Using the Extraction–Pyrolysis Method in Synthesis of Bioactive Glass

Synthesis of Mineral-Like SrWO4 Ceramics with the Scheelite Structure and a Radioisotope Product Based on It

Reactive SPS of Nd3+:YAG transparent ceramics with LiF sintering additivet

UO2-Eu2O3 compound fuel fabrication via spark plasma sintering

Fabrication of magnesium-silicon nanocomplexes by the interaction of polyphenylsiloxane with magnesium carbonate

Synthesis and study of physicochemical and sorption characteristics of a composite sorbent for purifying seawater from cesium

Polychelates based on magnesium, aluminum, iron, zirconium, and vanadyl acetylacetonates. Synthesis, structure, and properties

Polymeric nanocomplexes based on polyaluminophenylsiloxanes

Comparative study of WC-based hard alloys fabrication via spark plasma sintering using Co, Fe, Ni, Cr, and Ti binders

A novel approach for rice straw agricultural waste utilization: Synthesis of solid aluminosilicate matrices for cesium immobilization

Adsorption of Co(II) ions using Zr-Ca-Mg and Ti-Ca-Mg phosphates: adsorption modeling and mechanistic aspects

Fast (Ce,Gd)3Ga2Al3O12 Scintillators Grown by the Optical Floating Zone Method

Synthesis of amorphous KAlSi3O8 for cesium radionuclide immobilization into solid matrices using spark plasma sintering technique

Organo-Inorganic Composites Based on Phosphorus Vermiculite and Resorcinol–Formaldehyde Polymer and Their Use for Sorption of Nonradioactive Strontium from Solutions

Stable growth of (Ce,Gd)3Ga2Al3O12 crystal scintillators by the traveling solvent floating zone method

Wide Concentration Range of Tb3+ Doping Influence on Scintillation Properties of (Ce, Tb, Gd)3 Ga2 Al3 O12 Crystals Grown by the Optical Floating Zone Method

Rabbit's cranial defect regeneration using a fine-grained ZrO2- (15 wt%)HAp ceramic implant fabricated by SPS-RS technique

Hydrothermal synthesis, structure and sorption performance to cesium and strontium ions of nanostructured magnetic zeolite composites

Hydrothermal synthesis and spark plasma sintering of NaY zeolite as solid-state matrices for cesium-137 immobilization

Effect of Mg2+-, Sr2+-, and Fe3+-substitution on 85Sr and 60Co adsorption on amorphous calcium phosphates: Adsorption performance, selectivity, and mechanism

Reaction synthesis of SrTiO3 mineral-like ceramics for strontium-90 immobilization via additional in-situ synchrotron studies

Synthesis and spark plasma sintering of solid-state matrices based on calcium silicate for 60Co immobilization

A novel approach for rice straw agricultural waste utilization: Synthesis of solid aluminosilicate matrices for cesium immobilization

Hybrid Microwave Solid-Phase Synthesis of Wollastonite Based on Natural Renewable Raw Materials

Study of Physicochemical Characteristics of Ceramic Membranes Based on Natural Raw Materials and Iron, Manganese, and Zirconium Oxides

Study of Strontium Sorption by Amorphous Calcium Silicate

Sorption Composites Based on K-Ni and K-Zn Mixed-Metal Ferrocyanides for Extracting Cesium from Seawater

Synthesis of Calcium Aluminosilicates from Nanostructured Synthetic Na Zeolites and Study of Their Sorption Properties

Adsorption of Co(II) ions using Zr-Ca-Mg and Ti-Ca-Mg phosphates: adsorption modeling and mechanistic aspects

Effect of Co substitution on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Nd-(Fe1–xCox)-B particles synthesized by a modified Pechini-type chemical method

Ce3+ doped Lu3Al5O12 ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering technology using micrometre powders: Microstructure, luminescence, and scintillation properties

A Study of the Wear Mechanism of Composites Modified with Silicate Filler

Ce3+, Pr3+ Co-Doped Lu3Al5O12 Single Crystals and Ceramics: A Comparative Study

Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of SrTiO3–TiO2 composite ceramics

Effective Method for the Determination of the Unit Cell Parameters of New MXenes

Functionally Gradient Material Fabrication Based on Cr, Ti, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu Metal Layers via Spark Plasma Sintering

Ionizing radiation source-open type fabrication using additive technology and spark plasma sintering

Properties of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 Lithium-Conducting Ceramics Synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering

Effect of nanocrystalline SiC addition on reactive SPS and oxidation resistance of Ta4HfC5 ceramics

Synthetic Calcium Silicate Biocomposite Based on Sea Urchin Skeleton for 5-Fluorouracil Cancer Delivery

CaSiO3-HAp Metal-Reinforced Biocomposite Ceramics for Bone Tissue Engineering

Reactive SPS of Al2O3–RE:YAG (RE = Ce; Ce+Gd) composite ceramic phosphors

Solidification of cesium containing magnetic zeolite sorbent by spark plasma sintering